Audit Defense

We will assist your team in defending any minor inquiries or correspondence audits from state or federal agencies that arise for the tax filings we have prepared. For formal agency audit defense for current or previous periods, we can work with you to determine the size and scope and can separately engage to represent you in audit and court proceedings.

Direct Representation

Our licensing allows Mason Tax & Business Solutions to represent you directly to any state or federal agency throughout the United States. Whether it is for income tax, sales & use, payroll, or excise tax audits, we eliminate the stress and potential errors by taking on the responsibility to communicate and represent your tax position with the individuals from a government institution seeking to collect on a tax liability. Our long experience and multiple positive outcomes for our clients make us a valuable asset in ensuring you only pay the taxes you are legally liable during an audit.

Agency Inquiry

From time to time, you may receive a letter from a state or federal agency demanding payments, information, or explanations regarding your tax filings. MTBS can assist with preparing your response or respond directly to these inquiries as well as follow up over the course of the engagement to ensure the best outcome possible. Utilizing a tax professional is critical to avoid unnecessary penalties or interest or overpaying taxes on an item that is in dispute

What to Expect

Our team of professionals first analyzes the scope and depth of the audit or agency inquiry. We meet with our clients directly to ascertain the exposure as well as develop a strategy to combat any tax issue. Inquiries without exception take weeks if not months to resolve. Our patient, knowledgeable team walks you through each step of the process and ensures that responses are positioned to have the best outcome possible. By directly representing you, we take away the anguish and stress of a looming audit or collection letter that you have received. We work diligently in the background to save you tax liability while you continue to support your business or family in your everyday life.

Why Mason Tax & Business Solutions

Our staff has over 25 years of combined audit defense experience. We have represented individual taxpayers and multi-billion dollar corporations in defense of state and federal audits. We take a consultative approach to ensure our clients receive the best treatment from the Agency and utilize cutting edge knowledge of tax law, revenue rulings, and state & federal regulations that often surpass the information any auditor brings to our negotiation table. In short, we bring a wealth of knowledge, techniques, and expert negotiation skills to bear in each audit engagement.

Let's get started with a bit about yourself